Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wanted: More Blog!

I haven't realized until lately how many people have been regularly checking our site for updates. I have been hearing that I need to post more regularly - but I fear that the posts will become about "nothing". I'd really rather save the updates for major events.

Dylan had a desert race today at Red Mountain. He went out with the Dodd's early this morning for a day trip - Red Mountain is about a 2 -1/2 hour drive. Dylan was unable to finish the race because he hit a rock and broke his shift lever. He would have had a great chance of a strong finish had he not have broke that lever. What a bummer!

Jeff goes back to work tomorrow. I can't believe how quick 3 weeks has gone by. I know that my time home with Ryan will fly by just as fast! I desperately need to get childcare lined up for me to return to work. It's really too bad that more offices don't offer on-site child care.

My grandma came to our house today and is staying with us until Friday. It will be nice to visit with her and for her to have time to spend with Ryan. It's hard to believe that it was 16 years ago that my grandma was ooohing and ahhhing over Dylan as a newborn. I just want to savor the time with Ryan - - now that I know how quick time flies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the Norton Family from the Mark Bivens Family in Las Vegas (I know Jeff through Lexus), the Baby and the entire family are Beautiful...God Bless all of you. Looks like your all having tons of fun..
p.s. I hate Spiders to.....