Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11...what does it mean to you?

Jeff here. To most, it means a day of a horrific terrorist attack seven years ago. I will never forget that. Let's fast forward 3 years from that day and I will tell you it means a great day of building for me. It was the day Melissa accepted my wedding proposal in Washington, D.C. (on the Skyview Terrace of the Hotel Washington which boasts amazing views of the White House and the Washington Monument - see photo) Weird day to pick, just how it worked out. I didn't get the nerve up to do it on the 10th. See, something else I will never...or BETTER NEVER...forget. Lets fast forward 4 years. That puts us 2008. Yet another day I won't forget...

For the past few days, Melissa has been feeling VERY bad. On Tuesday, she had a lot of pain and was running a fever. The nurse had her come by the doctor's office and pick up a sample of medication that is designed to relieve the symptoms of a UTI. They could not see her that day. After the second dose, we thought she had a reaction to the sample. She suddenly got shaky chills, looked flush, blue lips, . A phone call through the medical exchange to talk to one of the doctors led us to a "You just need to ride it out" answer. We got through it, but were prepared to head to the E.R.

Wednesday, she went in to her doctor. They gave her an antibiotic to treat a kidney infection, because that's most probable, but needed to wait for lab results to confirm. Along with the antibiotic, she got something for the pain. Well, we found out the shaky chills did not come from that sample medication because she got them again. We make it through the night and in the morning she still feels under the weather.

I had taken today day off, and its a good thing. She had been taking the antibiotic as prescribed and Tylenol around the clock. None the less her temperature got up to 104.4. I got her into a cool bath to help it get back down to 100.3 and got on the phone with her doctor. Long story short...Guess who gets to spend the night in the hospital? Well, its not me 'cause I am typing this. Its not Ryan, he's in his crib sleeping. It might be Dylan, but I think he went to bed. You guessed it. Melissa was admitted to the hospital this afternoon. A combination of i.v. fluids and antibiotics, along with some more Tylenol got her temperature back to normal. They still are not sure exactly what it is as we are waiting for lab reports to come back. Her doctor stopped by and thinks its a left kidney infection.

Here is the real test....will Ryan survive the night with just Dad watching him. Stay tuned to find out.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Poor Melissa!!!! Please send her my love. Man oh man!! She is one of the strongest people I know. She will get through this.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys deserve a break! Tell Melissa the Tansleys hope she is well soon. We have been through the kidney infection thing and it's NOT fun. Hope your night went smoothly with the baby.
Take care