Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time flies!

It's been kind of a crazy week.
We had Jeff's Aunt and Uncle (Nancy & Ken) over for dinner on Monday night. Nancy cooked for us and we really enjoyed a personal visit.

As part of Dylan's success at the high school we arranged to have regular meetings with his teachers and his counselor to make sure that Dylan is on track. His Junior and Senior year will both be packed with 7 periods. He will not be able to fail any of his classes if he wants to graduate. We had our first meeting with Dylan's teachers on Tuesday. I was brave enough to bring Ryan to this meeting. Ryan started to get fussy in the middle of the meeting and I pulled him out of his stroller to hold him. Moments later he had projectile vomit in three intermittent spurts - down my chest, down my leg and off on to the floor of the conference room. I could have died.   Needless to say, Dylan is doing a great job so far this year and we had some great feedback from the school in our meeting.

Jeff left on Tuesday night for his first overnight since Ryan was born. My Aunt Dorothy came to stay with me for two nights to help out. She graciously took Dylan to school in the morning (he starts at 6:45) and then helped me out throughout the day.

Aunt Dorothy and I took Ryan to get his first professional photos on Wednesday. (see slideshow) I was so anxious to share them on the blog, but wanted to surprise Jeff with them when he got home tonight. Now that he has seen them, I have posted them to share with our family and friends.

It's hard to believe that it's been 29 days since Ryan has been born. In my mind all I see is how quickly the time is passing and how quickly I will be returning to work. I still have the task of finding daycare for Ryan - which I am dreading. I hope the process is quick and painless but I know that there are going to be some real doozies out there!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryan is so adorable. I can't wait to see him again ~ Billie