Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It was a BIG day!

Ryan Laughed & Dylan got his drivers license

Drivers Beware!
Dylan passed his driving test today and is now licensed to drive. Dylan performed his test in the pouring rain out in Rancho Cucamonga (we were told the testing was "easier" out there). He only got 3 points marked against him (15 were allowed in order to pass). Each point was for not allowing enough space (1.5 car lengths) at stops. He's very excited and very eager to drive to/from school. He is not allowed to drive after 11p and is not allowed to have another passenger in the car under the age of 25 until he is 18. (Hmmmmmm, how is it that he's been going to lunch for the past couple of years?)

Ha Ha Ha Ha
I had just got home from my hair appointment. I was holding Ryan while trying to eat some pizza. I had Ryan on my leg - his back to my chest - and he was watching Parker. Parker was sitting (lazy, of course) with his tongue hanging out (hoping for some pizza). I think maybe Ryan thought Parker looked funny - and started laughing. It was great! He laughed out loud a few times and then it was all over. I can't wait to hear him laugh again. :)

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