Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CHLA - Day Two

I got in a few hours of sleep last night and headed over to the hospital at 7a to see how the boys were holding up. I got to Ryan's room just in time for the nurses rounds. Jeff gave me the update from the night:
- Ryan had a complete meltdown after Jeff and I left last night. He was "unconsulable". This is when he pulled the NG out of his nose.
- Regular enemas were given to Ryan throughout the night - but Ryan was a trouper and slept well for most of the night. Dad, on the other hand, slept poorly and is completely wiped out today.

After I arrived, Ryan was able to get the NG permanently removed from his nose. I spent time with him reading, playing with toys and walking him around while Jeff got in about an hour of sleep. Right when I laid Ryan down to sleep, the crew came to bring Ryan down to surgery - 10a.

We had the Chaplain in the room to pray for Ryan. - and then we went down to the surgical floor. I carried Ryan down instead of putting him on the gurney. It wasn't long before they took him back. Ryan, in typical form, was happy, smiling and being flirty. We kissed him goodbye in the hallway and off he went.

Jeff and I came back to the hotel room for some rest. (He's snoring while I type this). We'll head back in about an hour or so to check up on him.

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