Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's almost Thanksgiving??

Where has the time gone? I can't believe that next week is already Thanksgiving. It seems like yesterday that Jeff & I were running back and forth from the hospital with Ryan. It's already been 3 months.

I've been extremely busy with work. I've been making "day trips" out of San Diego and San Francisco travel. I'm glad to be home at night with Ryan, but it is very exhausting to get up at 3:30a to be in both cities on time. I have two more trips to San Francisco - one on Monday and one the first week of December. The December trip will be my first night away from Ryan. OMG! (I try not to think about it!)

This time last week we were so consumed by the news of the fire - and this week we have already forgotten and moved on. It seems like the fires happened so long ago!

Jeff & I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary last week. We've been together for 6 years. It has really been an amazing 6 years.

Mario and Jeff are back to work on the kitchen today. It's coming along nicely. The end is in sight - and I look forward to the day I can put the mess back behind the doors!!! This process seems to be dragging on forever. Mario is more-than-ready to never make another trip to Palm Springs to work on the many pieces of our kitchen. It's a good thing Thanksgiving wasn't planned to be at our house this year, we would have never been ready.

We have an MRI scheduled for Ryan on December 23. Children's Hospital called me Thursday night to see if I could bring him in Friday morning. Unfortunately that day just wouldn't work given my San Francisco work load right now. Then, of course, they had a Monday opening (the day I travel). I insist on being with him, so I will keep the December 23 appointment and hope that something will open up on a day that I'm not scheduled to travel.

Ryan is growing so quickly. He's such a personable baby. Ryan is still very adjusted at daycare. He is very well liked and he exchanges the sentiment! It's neat to think that we'll be able to look back and think that Nina will have been caring for Ryan since he was only 2 months old. We really like her - she and Rosa are pretty amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's growing so fast! You have a cutie there. We can't wait to meet him! Good luck with the traveling. No wonder we haven't heard from you in a week or so...
Happy Thanksgiving!