Saturday, August 23, 2008

Update: Ryan Jeffrey Norton

The most heartbreaking of all experiences is when - as a new parent - you have to go home without your baby. It is even harder when you have to follow your baby's ambulance as he is taken to a newborn intensive care unit.

Newborn babies are expected to have a bowel movement within 24 hours of birth. When Ryan had not had one in 48 hours, doctors confirmed by x-ray that he had a blockage. Not knowing what the specifics entailed, we handed over our newest addition for further tests. While it was difficult to see Ryan with tubes in his mouth and enclosed as what I would describe as an incubator, we knew he was in good hands.

Yesterday was truly the most heartbreaking day in my life. I have never cried like I did when we were being told that something was wrong with our baby. Every single fear of everything horrible passed through my mind. How is it possible that this perfect child who I had just spent the last 48 hours cuddling with was ill?

On a day that I expected to bring this perfect child home - I had to let him go. When visiting Ryan in the NICU, there was nothing as parents that we could do but wait. There would be no procedures done last night. We were told to go home and get some rest. I had so many questions racing through my mind: What would our new baby have to endure to find a cure to his ailment? Are they going to have to perform invasive surgery? Why weren't there immediate answers? Why can't they do the procedure NOW? When can we bring him home?

We knew that the diagnosis could be broad. It could be something as simple as a hardening of the meconium which would essentially create a "plug" - to something mechanical within the development of his organs. Today Ryan received an enema that released the blockage - however we are awaiting further "official" findings as it would relate to being a mechanical issue. For this, we will probably not know anything until Monday.

At this point, it will probably be at least Tuesday until we can bring our son home. We are coping - and staying very positive. Little things bring us both to tears. ...this morning it was the song playing from the singing balloon we received from the Lexus Western Area. (Baby Face Song by Art Mooney: Baby face...You've got the cutest little baby face...There's not another one could take your place) Even typing this blog chokes me up.

We'll keep this blog posted, but right now we're just waiting. Keep Ryan in your prayers.


Blatantly Unoriginal said...

of course Ryan and the whole family are in our prayers.

The Mandeville's

Anonymous said...

I have Ryan's picture holding Jenni's finger as my desktop wallpaper. He is soooooo cute! I will get to see him often this way and will remember to pray for him and all of you. We love you all.
Auntie D.