Sunday, August 16, 2009

July 20 - August 16, 2009

It seems that so much has been keeping us busy - but when I actually look at a calendar, it doesn't seem like it should be too overwhelming. Why does it seem that there is NO time?!!

Jeff has had a lot of travel in the last month. I actually haven't had any at all - which has really been nice.

In the last month we had a BBQ at Scott Robertson's house, a BBQ Carnival at the Lexus Western Area, a birthday party for Joe at the Vinci's, a visit from our friend Jamey Skurtovich (from Atlanta), a birthday dinner for my cousin Jennifer, dinner at the Coorey's in beautiful Temecula, and a visit to Disneyland for Aunt Dorothy's birthday.

Dylan finished Summer School - finishing English with a C & B each semester. He's all caught up with credits now and is in a much better position for his Senior year.

Dylan made his first long-distance drive to his grandparents house in Tehachapi - 135 miles one-way. He stayed there for a week. He only got lost twice on the way out there. (I tried to get him to listen to me when I was giving driving directions) I give him credit, though, for calling for directions. He got to visit with his Dad and his half-brother while he was there. He went fishing twice - and also had a chance to golf. He also helped his Grandpa build part of his model train track.

Ryan is very vocal. He can say "ba-ba", "da-da", "Dill" (Dylan), "ice" and "don't".

He shakes his head for "no".

When you ask him how big he is - he throws up his arms into the air as we say "sooooo big".

He can give you "five".

He can throw a ball.

He can take about 5 steps - but isn't quite walking.

He can clap.

He knows his nose.

He knows his mouth - and when you ask him where his mouth is, he makes a sound like an Indian (ahhhhhhhhhh - as he pats his mouth)

He likes to look for trucks that drive up the hill into Gordon Highlands.

He asks "whats this"

He reaches up (or out) and claps his hands when he wants something.

Our visit with the Coorey's was very nice. It was the first time that we have been up to their Temecula home. It was such a great time. Their view is amazing - and it was such a relaxing visit. We really like the Cooreys! I wish I had a picture (I don't).. but Jennifer had this tunnel, made out of tent-like material, that she brought out for Ryan to try out. Ryan was like a crazy man crawling viciously in and out of the tunnel - screaming happily as he got to each end. It kept us entertained for most of the evening. His laugh was so contagious.

Dylan and I met up with Uncle Jim, Aunt Dorothy & Jenni at Disneyland on the 16th (for Aunt Dorothy's birthday). We only rode a few rides while we were there. Ryan came down with a cold or flu and was not feeling good at all....runny nose, watery eyes, high fever.... For as sick as he was, he really hung in there. Poor guy.

Anyways - I posted my favorite photos from the last month: I love the one of Ryan asleep on the piano!!
- Dylan was watching Ryan while I was getting ready for Disneyland. They were playing (er, pounding recklessly) the piano together and all the sudden it got real quiet. I came downstairs to see how it was going. I didn't see Ryan. When I asked Dylan where he was, he pointed to the piano (out of my sight). As I looked around the corner, there Ryan was - sleeping in the sitting position, slouched over onto the piano keys - mouth open.

I was fearful that he was going to try to roll over and that he would fall right off the bench - but of course had to run around the house to grab the camera first!!

The sound of the shutter woke Ryan - and I saved him from that painful looking position he was in. As he lifted his head, he revealed the piano key indentations on his left cheek. It took 40 minutes for the indents to go away.

In other random news...I found a great used toy for Ryan on Craig's List. It's a Little Tikes Swing Along Castle Climber. One side has a swing - just his size - and the other side is for climbing and sliding. There's a spinning wheel on one side of the platform and a telescope on the other. The deal finder that I am - located this little gem for only $60! So far Ryan enjoys it. He still needs a lot of supervision - but it will be a great toy for a while.

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