Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May Day! May Day!

May has been quite the busy month.

Dylan turned 17. Jeff turned 39.

Jeff worked 2 races this month. I had my first root canal. Ryan had (another) ear infection. My girlfriend Billie had her baby shower. We attended Kent's going away party because he is moving to Saudi Arabia for 2 years. (You know the economy is bad when you have to find work 10,000 miles away)

Ryan is crawling all over the place. He requires a solid eye at all times. With all that consumes our day-to-day agenda, the best moments are when we have the opportunity to hold Ryan without a struggle. Even with our to-do list piling high - Jeff and I both have a hard time putting Ryan down when we can just enjoy him in such an innocent, peaceful moment.

My girlfriend Billie took this picture of Ryan and I at her baby shower. I was running an hour late. Once I arrived, I didn't have a chance to eat, socialize or participate in the games because Ryan was crying. (His ears were bothering him) There was NOTHING I could do to make Ryan happy. Then as everyone was starting to leave - Ryan finally fell asleep. So on Billie's couch we plopped. It was the first chance I had to catch my breath - yet there I sat holding him and enjoying that moment. All the frustration of the previous hour had vanished.

I'm so glad Billie took this picture. I don't ever want to forget these moments.

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