Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's a GIANT!

Well, I was hoping to have an ultrasound photo to share with you for today's post - but the technician wasn't as giving as the others. She was all business!

With only 45 days to go, the baby is weighing in at 5 lbs, 13 oz. - - This weight is considered to be a little bit on the big size - and what the Dr. would have expected to see about 2 weeks from now.
- I begged the Dr. to please not let me have anything bigger than 8lbs 4 oz (this is what Dylan weighed). As of now, there is no plan to change the due date, but we will be watching the babies weight moving forward.

All else is going good. My biggest complaint is that the baby is resting heavily on my bladder. He is head-down and will most likely remain in that position until I deliver.

Today was the first day that I could not wear my wedding ring. While my feet have been swollen since early July, my fingers are now porky, too. It's definitely weird not to have my ring on.

The countdown has begun. The end is near. Please let it come fast!!


Ms. Taylor's Class said...

The room looks totally awesome. Can't wait to see you all tonight.

Carrie Tansley said...

I feel for any mom having a baby. I recently passed a kidney stone, and Oh My F'ing Lord of all pains, did I moan like a whimp. So, I feel for you. I know that sounds weird coming from a man, but holy cow did I hurt. Sorry to hear about the porky fingers, kinda funny though.