Friday, June 27, 2008

Getting Started

With so much going on in our lives and so many people always asking what we've been up to, it seems like a blog might be a good way to keep people in touch and up to date. Hopefully I will stay motivated to keep this blog updated on a regular basis.

A little update to get started with:
Dylan is in summer school. He'll be entering his Junior year of high school next year. Dylan races motocross and keeps us very busy with his race schedule. We love being a part of his hobby!! Dylan recently got his learner's permit. (Actually, he's out driving with his instructor as I type this!)

Jeff is still working for Lexus. He was recently promoted to Customer Satisfaction Manager for the Western Area. Luckily his new position keeps him home during the week. It's nice to have him home every night. He stays very busy helping Dylan and keeping the house in working order. (Thanks, babe!)

I am working at Mindshare/Team Detroit on the California Ford business. It's weird to think I've been in the auto/advertising business now for 13 years. Where has the time gone?

As you can tell by the ticker I posted on the site, I am nearing my due date. This stomach of mine is starting to get awkward and uncomfortable. It's going to be a long 2 months!

We have 3 dogs, but you'll probably only hear of one - - Parker!! Parker is my pride and joy. He really can do no wrong - I mean, just look at him!!

.....Okay, here we go..... One blog down ? to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the blog! Can't wait to see all your updates. And I'm sure you can guess our favorite on the name list!